Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hilton Hotels Corporation: Data Driven Hospitality

1)      What are the benefits and drawbacks of the OnQ at Hilton?

The benefits of OnQ system at Hilton are listed below:
·         Helps establishing the value of a costumer, based on personal history and on predictive modeling of the business, the person is likely to do.
·         Proper allocation of attention where needed so that guests who needs extra attention gets taken care of resulting higher costumer satisfaction levels.
·         Ability to match customer reservations with profile database records in very small pace of time in order to make guest feel special.

·         Facility of letting people manage their honors accounts online, in order to reduce its call volume allowing it to cut the number of domestic call centers.
·         Increasing the revenue by providing ticketing service, concert tickets and restaurant reservations.

2)      What does Hilton have to do to create a competitive advantage through OnQ? Provide some examples.

In order to provide competitive advantage through OnQ Hilton have to focus on several other things. Some of them are listed below:

·         More than just delivering the information to its guests; it needs to be a decision support partner to its guest. For example, if a guest has complained in the past about being bumped from an overbooked hotel and moved to another Hilton Property, the system will highlight that history should the same situation come up, thus making it less likely a hotel will ask the customer to walk again.
·         The system may indicate that a non honors guest looking at the last minute to below to read all.

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