Sunday, November 27, 2011


  1. Is the recommendation of the marketing vice president legal? Is it ethical? Why or why not?
Ans:  Marketing vice president recommends using the less-expensive fur. I think it is illegal because at first the bear was marked as a product a child could play with for years and years and after substituting the fur it’ll last only for eight month. So, it’ll be illegal to change the quality in middle without informing the buyer.
It’ll not be ethical if they didn’t inform the buyer about the change in the product. Because buyer are paying their money expecting the same quality as before and it is

Failure of

  1. Was doomed more by its faulty strategy or by its poor implementation?

Ans: The main vision of is to make a global brand. Although this strategy can be faulted on many counts, projecting a global reach is not in itself mistake; it is however, problematic to hope to achieve that all at once. Because the company’s website was launched in many countries at the same time, he firm had to insure that it had an effective presence in all of those countries. As a result its resources were spread thin. The company may have been served by

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Amazon, eBay, and Google: Unlocking and sharing Business Databases

1)      What are the business benefits to Amazon and eBay of opening up some of their databases to developers and entrepreneurs? Do you agree with this strategy? Why or why not?

Amazon and eBay became more popular and productive by opening up some of their database to developers and entrepreneurs. Their sales volume increased tremendously resulting better profit margins. After opening up to some developers and entrepreneurs it became more reachable, creating employment opportunities to several people.

Emerson and Sanofi: Data Stewards seek data conformity

1)      Why is the role of data steward considered to be innovative? Explain

As specified in the case data steward is not just responsible for the database management in an organization it’s more about the presentation of the content. Data steward in each business unit reviews the data and correct errors before the data are put into the operational systems. They also research customer relationships, locations of customers and the corporate hierarchies. Along with this they also facilitate the training of overseas workers to fix data in their native languages. They also serve as the main contact with the data administrator and database architect for new requirements and bug fixes.

Cogent Communications, Intel, and Others: Mergers Go More Smoothly When Your Data Are Ready

1)      Place yourself in the role of a manager at a company undergoing a merge or acquisition. What would be the most important things customers would expect from you while still in that process? What role would IT play in meeting those expectations? Provide at least three examples.

Customers are the most important assets of the organization. Mostly organizations are merged and acquired for the customer trust they have. It’s a very tough a well as important job to keep and hold the initial customers, after the organization is acquired and merged. Whoever owns the organization customers expects smooth service and generous treat. They expect their works to be done the same way it used to be or may be even better way. They don’t want their

Applebee’s Travelocity, and Others: Data Mining for Business Decisions

1)      What is the business benefits of taking the time and effort required to create and operate data warehouses such as those described in the case? Do you see any disadvantages? Is there any reason why all companies shouldn’t use data warehousing technology?

Data’s as described in the case are, gold. Gold benefit makes the business much capable and strong. Data ids the source of information and information’s are the most important tools for taking business decisions and actions. Efficiency and smooth operation of activities is one of the main reasons why to make and keep data warehouses. It enhances the effectiveness of the performance by providing necessary information’s on time. Business can be more productive, systematic and competitive by maintaining such data warehouses.

Google, Microsoft, and Others: Transforming the Desktop with Web Top software applications

1)       Do you agree that Web top software will one day replace suites of desktop applications? Why or Why not? Check out the features of a few of the web top products mentioned in the case on the internet to support your answer.

WebTop applications can replace desktop applications so long as network connectivity isn't an issue. People who work off-line will still require desktop applications or downloadable application modules. 4-16 Chapter 04 - Computer Software Arguments supporting WebTop applications: Increased real-time collaboration Internet ubiquity Personal mobility (login from anywhere) Minimal footprint on the local

Chapter 4: Discussion Question

1)       What major trends are occurring in software?  What capabilities do you expect to see in future software packages?

Major trends that have been developing in software are towards easy-to-use features, general-purpose application packages and toward natural languages.  Expect powerful, multi-purpose, expert-assisted software packages with natural language and graphics-based user interfaces have fast become the norm.  Future software packages will no doubt incorporate more voice activated features than we have previously seen. General purpose software packages will probably not incorporate many new features; however the software industry will continue to strive towards ensuring that their new releases are better written, and easier to use.

2)       How do the different roles of system software and application software affect you as a business end user?  How do you see this changing in the future?

The system software acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the application software. To run any application it is very much important for a application software to be supported by system software. The end user will interact mainly with application software and application software performs as per the permission of system software.  In the future this type of interface will become even easier to use as it moves towards natural interfaces.

3)      Refer to the Real World Case on Wolf Peak International in the chapter. If you were   starting a small business, what business application software would you choose for accounting and control of business operations and management reporting? Why?

Managers should seek to strike a balance between functionality, cost, scalability, and flexibility. QuickBooks offers a low cost solution that can modestly scale up. Management can purchase additional functionality, and QuickBooks' immutable data structures greatly simplify migration to more sophisticated applications. Its most basic version is available for free download with the caveat that users are limited to entering no more than twenty customers. This limitation can be removed for $99. Some students may base their selection upon familiarity with a specific package. This is a legitimate consideration as familiarity with a package helps increases certainty that......... Click below to read all.

Power Distribution and Law Enforcement: Reaping the benefits of Sharing Data through XML

1)      What is the business value of XML to the organizations described in the case? How are they able to achieve such large returns on investment?

XML has been one of the revolutionary finding and implication for the organizations described in the case. Use of XML has increased their productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. XML has made it easier for them to make most tedious and complicated tasks more easy and understandable along with accurate calculations of important as well as difficult to calculate figures. It has helped in sharing and security along with better management of data’s and information’s.

Due to use of XML in the most effective way as per the nature and demand of their organizational activities these organizations were able to achieve such large returns on investment. By using XML they made their performance very fast, easy and user friendly along with creating value of their work with....... click below to read all.

Wolf Peak International: Failure and success in application software for the small to medium enterprise

1)      What problems occurred when Wolf Peak upgraded from QuickBooks to a new accounting software package? How could these problems have been avoided?

For organizations it’s a very tough job to decide which and what kind of software to choose from all the available options. Use of accounting packages does helps in efficiency and effectiveness of the organization only if right kind of package is used in right place. Wolf Peak International used an accounting package to replace its traditional QuickBooks in order to make the process easier and systematic but because of their inappropriate and unfocused decision regarding the package they turned on to the wrong one. They had several problems because of implementation of this software; some of them are listed below:
·         It was very complicated and hard to learn, not so user friendly.
·         Time consuming and sophisticated.
·         Very expensive
In order to avoid these problems, I think the first thing they could have done is, they could have decided to choose the software after being sure about the accounting need of organization from detail discussions and expert advice. It’s very important to know what you are using in...... click below to read all.

Microsoft and Others: Developing Software for How Companies Do Business

1)      A common phrase among IT professionals is, “The world views its data through windows.”Why does Microsoft dominate the desktop and networked software market? Visit its website at and review its broad range of software products and service to develop your answer.

Microsoft is one of the most popular and trusted name in the field of information technology. More than 90% of the world’s software market is dominated by Microsoft. Because 0of its user friendly packages and their efficient implications Microsoft has been able to rise and make its mark as an industry leader. Microsoft windows are one of the most important inventions in the history of organization. Windows is the most widely used system software and has a very high market share.

For this dominance over desktop and networked software market, its research team is the most important phenomena. Development of smart products and packages with smart ideas to make them productive and effective Microsoft simply has been best in its area. Its findings about the new areas to create impact on and concentration to meet their needs may be....... click below to read all.

IBM, Wachovia, and PayPal: Grid computing makes it Easier and Cheaper.

1)      Applications for grid computing in this case include medical diagnosis and financial transaction processing. What other areas do you think would be suited to the use of grid computing and why? Provide several examples from organizations other than those included in the case.

Grid Computing is one of the most reliable and detail application used by organization to get the accurate results in a very easy way with consideration to cost of the technology. It’s far cheaper than using mainframes and big servers and at the same time very easy to access and maintain. Grid computing is a technology used to harness computing powers from various sources and use them in harmony to achieve a specific goal. The great advantage of grid computing is the ability to significantly reduce the time that is taken to accomplish that goal, also increasing efficiency.

Educational organizations like colleges and universities can use grid computing and support their online teaching program. By doing this they can bring all the students together in one forum and solve problems and have discussions. By using grid computing they can save cost and time of both, theirs and their students.
Weather forecasting agencies can use grid computing to make the process more reliable and less time consuming. Adjustments can be made by information providers from different place at the same time, which makes it easy to update and give accurate readings.

Grid computing can also be used while making movies. It facilitates in adding up of different sections from different sets at the same time, reducing the cost and increasing the profitability of operation.

2)      The joint effort by IBM and the cancer institute of New Jersey works by digitalizing medical diagnoses on the world community grid (WCG).What are the advantages and disadvantages of relying on a volunteer based network such as this? Provide examples of both.

Grid computing is an emerging concept in Information sharing. It’s been very fruitful to those organizations whose market is huge. There are several advantages of this along with some disadvantages. Examples of both advantage and disadvantages of using grid computing are listed below.


·         Better understanding of the process due to classification of the process into several bits and bytes.
·         No need to buy big servers, which costs a fortune.
·         Helps in making accurate comparisons between........ Click below to read all.