Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chapter 4: Discussion Question

1)       What major trends are occurring in software?  What capabilities do you expect to see in future software packages?

Major trends that have been developing in software are towards easy-to-use features, general-purpose application packages and toward natural languages.  Expect powerful, multi-purpose, expert-assisted software packages with natural language and graphics-based user interfaces have fast become the norm.  Future software packages will no doubt incorporate more voice activated features than we have previously seen. General purpose software packages will probably not incorporate many new features; however the software industry will continue to strive towards ensuring that their new releases are better written, and easier to use.

2)       How do the different roles of system software and application software affect you as a business end user?  How do you see this changing in the future?

The system software acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the application software. To run any application it is very much important for a application software to be supported by system software. The end user will interact mainly with application software and application software performs as per the permission of system software.  In the future this type of interface will become even easier to use as it moves towards natural interfaces.

3)      Refer to the Real World Case on Wolf Peak International in the chapter. If you were   starting a small business, what business application software would you choose for accounting and control of business operations and management reporting? Why?

Managers should seek to strike a balance between functionality, cost, scalability, and flexibility. QuickBooks offers a low cost solution that can modestly scale up. Management can purchase additional functionality, and QuickBooks' immutable data structures greatly simplify migration to more sophisticated applications. Its most basic version is available for free download with the caveat that users are limited to entering no more than twenty customers. This limitation can be removed for $99. Some students may base their selection upon familiarity with a specific package. This is a legitimate consideration as familiarity with a package helps increases certainty that......... Click below to read all.